Improving Team Effectiveness Through Servant Leadership
Course Overview
Servant leadership can seem like a contradicting term, but it is becoming a very popular tool in many businesses. Servant leadership is a philosophy that involves focusing on others (i.e. your employees), and focus on their success, and in turn build better professional relationships that can benefit both manager and employee. Servant leadership shows that managers can be great leaders while boosting their employee’s confidence and further their success at the same time.
With our “Servant Leadership” course, your participants will discover the specifics of how servant leadership works and how it can benefit both leaders and employees!
Course Objectives:
- Define servant leadership
- Know the characteristics of servant leadership
- Recognize the barriers of servant leadership
- Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
- Practice self-reflection
Keywords: servant leadership, leadership, Management, Sales Management, Effective Team, human resources
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Price :
$25.00 ( Per License )
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